Sat 20 & Sun 21 July | Purify Your Mind – Vajrasattva Retreat | Morden
FREE for Silver, Gold and Platinum Members
Concessions available
We dedicate most of our time and energy trying to avoid problems by making changes to the external world. However, the main cause of our unhappiness and difficulties cannot be found in external conditions. It is cause by the negative karma we have created in the past through performing harmful actions.
By relying upon Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification we will cleanse our mind of delusions, negativity and obstacles. Through special meditation and mantra recitation we have the great opportunity to purify our mind quickly, so that we can make swift progress on the spiritual path.
This is an in depth retreat, in each session we will use the Prayer Booklets Offering to the Spiritual Guide and the Meditation and Recitation of Solitary Vajrasattva. There will be long silent periods in each session for reciting Vajrasattva’s Mantra.
Gen Drolkar will give some guidance in each session on how to engage in these practices.
Everyone is welcome, but some understanding of Buddhas teachings is helpful.
Session 1, 10am – 11.45am
Session 2, 12:15pm – 1.45pm
Session 3, 3pm – 4.45pm
Optional Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers with Tsog, 5pm – 6pm
Session 1, 3pm – 4.45pm
Session 2, 5.30-6.45pm
Gen Kelsang Drolkar is a joyful and dedicated practitioner who has been teaching Kadampa Buddhism since 2013. She has worked at Kadampa Meditation Centres all over the UK and has engaged in many meditation retreats at Kadampa Centres internationally. When teaching, Gen Drolkar combines her diverse personal experience with practical insight and a warm heart.