International Temples Project
“Just looking at a Temple with a happy mind places good imprints on our mind and brings inner peace.”
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of New Kadampa Tradition, has dedicated his life to helping people find true happiness by developing inner peace through meditation and other practices. He has designed an international education programme that provides everyone regardless of nationality, age or gender with the opportunity to learn simple techniques for developing the capacity of their mind and eventually attaining the permanent inner peace of enlightenment. To date, this programme has been implemented in over forty countries throughout the world.
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s compassionate intention is embodied in the International Temples Project (ITP), a unique international fund dedicated to public benefit. The ITP enables a range of facilities and services that enable people from all walks of life to gain special practical experience of the peace that comes when Buddhism is integrated with modern daily life. The scope and activities of the International Temples Project are constantly evolving in response to the ever-changing demands of busy lives.
KMC London is part of this special project through its activities in Morden, Kensington and throughout London. It exists to provide a place of peace in a hectic city – and everybody is welcome.

“Whenever anyone, Buddhist or not, sees a Temple or an image of Buddha they receive blessings.“
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Pure lands in a troubled world
KMC London is part of the International Temples Project. We welcome many visitors every day who come for classes or simply to stop in and see the beautiful shrine or sit quietly in the meditation room. The proceeds from all the courses presented at KMC London as well as other Temples for World Peace are dedicated to public benefit through the ITP, so simply by attending them you are helping to bring peace into the hearts of this and future generations.

Kadampa Buddhist Temples take many forms. Some are custom built according to a special design developed by Geshe Kelsang based on traditional Buddhist architecture, such as the Mother Temple at Manjushri KMC in the Lake District and the Temples in New York, São Paulo, Sintra and Arizona.
Others – like KMC London’s Morden temple – are adapted from existing buildings acquired for Kadampa Meditation Centers around the world, such as the Temples in Toronto, Le Mans, Berlin, Zurich, Texas and Melbourne.
Whatever form they take, Kadampa Temples are holy places open to everyone to enjoy. They are Pure Lands in our troubled world – offering doorways to inner peace for all who visit them.