Awaken the Wisdom Within – Manjushri Empowerment | Sat 15 March | With Gen Zoma | Kensington
£45 | £27.50 for Silver Members | Free for Gold & Platinum Members | Concessions Available
During this special event, our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Zoma, will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Manjushri. By receiving this empowerment, we can deepen our connection with the Wisdom Buddha, awakening our inner potential to develop wisdom, a fundamental virtue and one of the key qualities to be cultivated on the path to enlightenment.
An empowerment is a profound blessing ceremony that enables us to establish a special connection with an enlightened being, nurturing our potential for deep and everlasting peace. During this serene and peaceful ceremony, you will be guided by Gen Zoma in a beautiful meditation to prepare for receiving the blessings of Buddha Manjushri. Join us for this opportunity to experience inspiration and inner transformation from Manjushri’s wise and compassionate energy.
11am – 1pm Manjushri Empowerment
2.30 – 4.15pm Commentary
5 – 6pm Optional Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers with Tsog Offerings
Gen Kelsang Zoma is the Resident Teacher of KMC London. She is a Buddhist nun, and has been studying and practising meditation and Buddhism under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 25 years. She is dedicated to helping others discover the benefits of meditation and the teachings of Buddha. Through Gen Zoma’s warm and light hearted example, she shows us how to apply these teachings in our daily lives to improve our happiness, wisdom and well-being bringing benefit to ourselves and others.
11am – 1pm Manjushri Empowerment
2.30 – 4.15pm Commentary