Sat 31 Aug | Dealing with Difficult People | Half Day Course | 10.30am – 1.30pm | With Sarah Kneafsey | Kensington
£25 | Free for Members | Concessions available
Our day can so easily be ruined by difficult people. Although we try to avoid them, difficult, annoying people seem to follow us everywhere – at work, at home, on the tube. It feels like they are constantly dragging us down, and this can leave us feeling heavy, frustrated and exhausted.
Yet Buddha taught that, in reality, difficult people are creations of our own mind. What someone is, he explained, depends upon how we view them. Based on this wisdom, we can totally change how difficult people appear to us – from being our enemies, to being our greatest teachers. This is one of Buddhism’s most profound and liberating teachings: it enables us to solve so much of our daily frustrations, improve our relationships, and transform our encounters with difficult people into priceless opportunities for growth.
Everybody welcome.
Sarah Kneafsey has been studying and teaching Buddhist meditation for many years and has engaged in many meditation retreats and events throughout the UK and internationally. She presents the teachings in a practical and skilful way making them easy to apply in daily life.
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11.45am – 12.15pm Break
12.15pm – 1.30pm: Teaching, meditation and Q & A