FREE for Silver, Gold and Platinum Members
Join us for this midweek morning meditation class. Create inner space, relax and enjoy some guided meditations and practical teachings to help you keep your peace for the rest of the week.
You are invited to stay for refreshments and discussion after the class.
Everyone is welcome!
SEPTEMBER COURSE | A New Breath of Life
September 10, 17, 24 | Whole Course £30 | Drop in £15 per class
Meditations using the breath are powerful methods to gain much needed calm and reduce the unwelcome clutter and panic within the mind. Breathing meditation is also used by both beginners and advanced meditation practitioners alike to improve and perfect mental wellness.
In this course of classes we learn significant time tested breathing techniques that will provide useful support in our everyday life. There will also be practical and in depth explanations to accompany the guided meditations along with discussion and time for your questions.
Through these classes we can then allow ourselves to develop more positive attitudes and apply them effectively to deal with any difficult and challenging situation.
Week 1
An Essential Breathing Meditation to Gain Steady Sharp and Balanced Focus
Week 2
A Breathing Mediation with Simple Visualisation to Detox the Mind and Increase Self Confidence
Week 3
Breath Conjoined With Mantra to Overcome Negativity and Uplift the Mind
OCTOBER COURSE | Meditations to Make Your Heart Melt
October 1, 8, 15, 22 | Whole Course £45 | Drop in £15 per class
In this series of classes we’ll look at unique ways to improve relationships with others through the power of mediation.
We all have to relate to others whether we’re within intimate relationships, or whether we interact with friends, neighbours and work colleagues; or even if we just make occasional casual contact with the postman. If we learn to adopt the underlying states of mind we need to experience harmony and a natural rapport with others, our relationships will definitely improve.
These practical meditations will be supported by qualified in-depth explanations on the special techniques used along with lots of time for discussion and your questions.
Week 1
How to Benefit From Correctly Evaluating Others
Week 2
Promoting the Full Enjoyment of Gratitude
Week 3
Learning to Recognise and Control the Destruction of Anger
Week 4
How to Clarify. Is It Really Love…. Or Something Else?
Week 5
Communicating With Sensible Compassion and Pragmatic Wisdom