Kensington City Meditation Space

27 Earls Court Rd, London W8 6ED

Kensington Meditation Space

Amitayus Retreat | Saturday 1 February | 10.30am-4.30pm | Kensington


£10 | Free for Members | Concessions available | Everyone Welcome

In this annual retreat we engage in the meditation practice of the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of Long Life. This beautiful practice helps us to lengthen our own and others’ lifespan and increase our wisdom and good fortune. With this practice, we can find meaning and happiness in our busy daily lives. It is traditional to engage in this practice early each year for the auspiciousness of the whole year. Each session consists of chanted prayers, meditations and silent mantra recitation.

If you can’t attend the whole retreat, you can drop into individual sessions.

Long life pills that have been blessed throughout the retreat will be distributed after the last session.



This retreat is unguided, there will be senior practitioners taking part who can explain what to do and answer any questions you have about the practice.

10.30am – 4.45pm

10.30 – 11.45am: Session 1

12.15 – 1.30pm: Session 2

3.30 – 4.45pm: Session 3

5 – 6pm: Optional Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers with Food Offerings

What it's like at our classes...

Quick facts for newcomers...

What is Meditation?

  • Purpose: Cultivate positive states of mind for peace and well-being.
  • Happiness source: Lies in the mind, not external conditions.
  • Benefits: Reduces stress, anxiety, promotes physical and mental well-being.

Accessible class format

  • Non-sectarian, non-judgmental, and universal.
  • Simple methods to tackle stress and anxiety in modern daily life.

Flexible sitting arrangements

  • Option to sit on a chair or bring a cushion for the floor.

No religious affiliation necessary

  • Not required; accessible to everyone.

Open to all experience levels

  • Beginners welcome; teachings designed to be simple yet profound.

Interaction during classes optional

  • No requirement to speak in front of a group.
  • Questions are welcome.

No physical exercise necessary

  • Focus is on meditation – no yoga or physical exercises.

What to Bring

  • No specific requirements; some find it useful to bring a notepad and pen.

Simple dress code

  • No special requirements; comfortable clothing suggested.

Join a class anytime

  • Classes are self-contained; drop in whenever you can, no need to wait for the next course.

No advanced booking necessary

Everyone is welcome!

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