MEMBERS BOOKING | Letting go of Anxiety | Public Talk & Day Course with Gen Dornying | 11-12 Oct | Kensington
£20.00 – £50.00
Everyone suffers from anxiety, whether an uncomfortable feeling that lingers in the background or a crippling anxiety that leads to panic attacks and stops us leaving the house. How, we may wonder, is it possible not to feel anxious when there are so many things we have to do, so many things already going wrong in our life, and so many things that may go wrong tomorrow? Or perhaps there is no way around it, and we just have to accept this horrible emotion as a constant theme of our life?
Fortunately, we do not. Buddha taught that anxiety arises entirely from the mind – not from external conditions – and that it is therefore possible to eliminate our anxiety simply by learning to control our mind. In this course, we will explore powerful Buddhist meditations that enable us to do just that – we will learn how to identify the root cause of anxiety, reduce its impact and ultimately overcome it completely. These meditations have been tried and tested over many centuries, and provide a clear, practical pathway to overcoming anxiety and replacing it with its opposite – inner strength, confidence, and a peaceful mind. Finally, through putting these meditations into practice we will develop the power to remain calm and peaceful all the time – no matter what life throws at us.
Public Talk: 7-8.30pm
Day Course: 10.30am-3.30pm
10.30am – 11.30pm Teaching & Meditation
12.15pm – 1.15pm Teaching & Meditation
2.30pm – 3.30pm Teaching, Meditation and Q&A
Full Price: Public Talk £20| Workshop £40 | Both £50
Silver Members Price: Public Talk £10| Workshop £20 | Both £25
This booking page is for members only, please make sure you’re logged in in order to receive your discount. If you’re not a Member please book via the main event booking page.
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Gen Dornying is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Leeds. He has been teaching Kadampa Buddhism for more than 20 years, all over the world, under the guidance of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. His inspiring, light-hearted example makes Buddha’s teachings clear, accessible and applicable to everyone’s daily life.